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Biography / Exhibitions


1953 in Chur/Grison
Studio in Zurich


«Hans Danuser is among the pioneers of contemporary photography in Switzerland. He became internationally famous with his "IN VIVO" cycle, which was completed in 1989 and has decisively initiated today's discourse between the natural sciences and the arts. His works were shown in important exhibitions both in Switzerland and abroad and he was invited to participate in international events such as the Venice and Lyon Biennales. As well as Swiss Federal stipends/Swiss Art Award he has won among others: the Manor Art Prize, 1991, the Conrad-Ferdinand-Meyer Prize for Young Art, 1996 and the Bündner Culture Prize, 2002. Danuser is the first photographer to present his large-format photographic tableaus laid out on the floor, a conceptual decision that defined his museum exhibition "Frost" at the Fotomuseum, Winterthur».
(Urs Stahel, Curator at MAST, Bologna and former Director of Fotomuseum Winterthur)  Download

After working as an assistant with Zurich-based German advertising and fashion photographer Michael Lieb in the early 1970s, Danuser began to experiment with light-sensitive emulsion at the Federal Institute of Technology Zurich. In 1980 he started his "IN VIVO" cycle, which was completed in 1989 and comprises seven series of pictures. The 93 black-and-white photographs probe taboos that prevailed in the research and power centres of the industrial society in Europe and the USA prior to the fall of the Berlin wall in 1989. In retrospect, Hans Danuser, with his process-oriented conception of "IN VIVO", also anticipated and initiated today's discourse between the natural sciences and the arts. (Jörg Scheller, Prof. ZHdK Zürich) Download

Dialogue and collaboration with the natural sciences and phenomena, that influence and change the development of our society, are also of great importance to Hans Danuser in his subsequent large-format, spatial and installative photographic works. The break-up of the old power blocs in the 90s and the onset of globalization and, as a result, the erosion of Western values, form the background for his large-scale "EROSIONS"-cycles and "FROZEN EMBRYO SERIES". These upheavals are also expressed in a new photographic image understanding by Hans Danuser. Danuser himself tears the pictures into the grey area between photography, object, sculpture and installation. (Lynn Kost, curator Kunstmuseum Winterthur)Download

Since the 1990s, Hans Danuser has been using other media and materials in addition to photography, primarily in works with architecture, such as: with slate in the 2001 "SCHIEFERTAFEL BEVERIN" ("Beverin Slate Slab") and with writing in the "COUNTING OUT RHYMES PROJECT", work in progress since 2008 and in his exhibition "THE FUJIYAMA OF DAVOS", part of the "Matography - The One-Million-Pound Project" from 1993 to 2018, in which Hans Danuser for the first time ever makes use of his many years of research on digital and analog photography in dialogue in an exhibition. (Philip Ursprung, Prof. ETH Zürich)Download

Hans Danuser's works are represented in public and private collections, such as: the Kunsthaus Zürich, the Howard Stein Collection, New York, the George Reinhart Collection and the Fotomuseum Winterthur, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, the Museum of Modern Art New York, MoMA, the Walter A. Bechtler Collection, Zurich / Uster and the Aargauer Kunsthaus.



Collaboration in research and with the art sciences and the teaching

For 2009/2010 guest professor at the ETH Zurich for art and photography, in particular for the exploration and recognition of model-enriching border crossings among the sciences and the arts; furthermore, lectureship at the Institute for Art History of the University of Zurich, KHIST UZH for 2009, as well as lectures, guest lectures and participation in colloquia among others at the Jan van Eyk Academy, Maastricht, College of Art and New Media, Leipzig, Zurich University of the Arts ZHdK, University of Zurich, at the Academy Tutzing near Munich and Humboldt University Berlin and assistant professor at the Collegium Helveticum of the ETH u. University of Zurich from 2009 - 2016



Work with and in architecture

G O L D - Material and Fiction, Project Development and Execution 2015 - 2019

An Art in Architecture Project in the SWISS NATIONAL BANK in Bern.

Between the historic old building of the Swiss National Bank and the new connecting wing, six hinges have been created over the three floors. The corridor end walls are set in a combination of six raw gold tiles in different colors in a vertical and horizontal context, which can be experienced when pacing by or climbing stairs. 

Redeveloping planning and renovation work: Architekturbüro Aebi-Vincent, Client: Swiss National Bank, Curator: Ursula Suter Download


LIBRARY OF DECISION TAKING, project development and execution 2020 - 2021

An art in architecture project in the PRIME TOWER in Zurich in the form of an art installation in the cafeteria on the 29th floor in the form of a reference library in four showcases with books, documents and objects / A thematic and media expansion of PIFF PAFF PUFF into the higher-level COUNTING OUT RHYMES PROJECT part of <DECISION TAKING> 
Interior architect: Hurlemann AG; Client art in architecture: Homburger AG, curator: Ulrich Gerster Download


JOGGELIProject Development and Execution 2013 - 2014

An Art in Architecture Project in the Boardroom area at the headquarters of NATIONALE SUISSE (now HELVETIA Versicherungen) in Basel, typefaces for <The Counting Out Rhymes Project>, part of <ENTSCHEIDUNGSFINDUNG/DECISION TAKING> by applying paint directly to the wall.

Redeveloping planning and renovation work: Burckhardt & Partner Architekten, Client: Swiss National Insurance Company, Curators: Andreas Karcher and Nathalie Loch


AKKA BAKKAProject Development and Execution 2012 - 2013

An Art in Architecture Project in the new building of the HEALTH DIRECTORATE KANTON ZURICH in Zurich, typefaces for <The Counting Out Rhymes Project>, part of <ENTSCHEIDUNGSFINDUNG/DECISION TAKING> by applying paint directly to the wall.

Architects: Völki Partner, Client: Canton of Zurich, Curator: Tanja Scartazzini


PIFF PAFF PUFFProject Development and Execution 2010 - 2011

An Art in Architecture Project in the PRIME TOWER on the 29th floor, typefaces for <The Counting Out Rhymes Project>, part of <ENTSCHEIDUNGSFINDUNG/DECISION TAKING> by applying paint directly to the wall.

Architecture: Annette Gigon & Mike Guyer, Building owner Art in Architecture: Homburger AG, Curator: Ulrich Gerster


SCHIEFERTAFEL BEVERIN, Project Development and Execution 2000 - 2001

An Art in Architecture Project at the Psychiatric Hospital Beverin, new and old buildings, Grisons.

Architecture by Peter Kaspar, Kaspar und Egli Architekten, Zürich, for the new buildings, and Christian Gross, Rüegg und Gross, Altbauten, Trin, for the old buildings, with Günter Vogt, Vogt Landschaftsarchitekten, Zürich

Building owner: Canton Grisons


NAH UND FERNProject Development and Execution 1997 - 1999

An Art in Architecture Project in the Atrium Peter-Merian-Haus, Basel.

Architecture by Christian Geser, Zwimpfer Partner Architekten, Basel


INSTITUTSBILDER – Eine Schrift Bild Installation mit Fotografie, Project Development and Execution 1990 - 1992

An Art in Architecture Project at the University of Zurich at Irchel, new buildings, Institute of Mathematics, Institute of Pharmacology, Institute of Pharmaceutics, and Institute of Physics.

Architecture by Guido Doppler: Burkhart und Partner Architekten, Basel / Zürich



Cooperation among the arts

2017 Schraffuren, three listening stations with Reto Hänny to In Vivo by Hans Danuser in the exhibition Hans Danuser. Darkrooms of photography in the Bündner Kunstmuseum Chur.

1989 –1999 Partituren und Bilder / Zumthor Project mit Peter  Zumthor, Architect. Accompanying publication to Partituren und Bilder (Scores and Images) on the occasion of the exhibition Partituren und Bilder (Scores and Images). Architectural works from Peter Zumthor's studio, 1985–1988 in the Architekturgalerie Lucerne and in the Haus der Architektur Graz and Klangraum Therme Vals 1998. Edition Hochparterre on the occasion of the exhibition Seeing Zumthor. Pictures by Hans Danuser in the gallery Luciano Fasciati, Chur 1999.

1998 Therme Vals, a photography essay by Hans Danuser to the Therme Vals by Peter Zumthor, in the booklet Klangraum Therme Vals, sound installation by Fritz Hauser, composer of the CD of the same name.

1997 Bildhauerei. Markus Casanova (Sculpture. Markus Casanova), with Markus Casanova and Beat Stutzer, Baden 1997.

1996 Maeander, music installation with Fritz Hauser for Frozen Embryo Series by Hans Danuser in the Delta exhibition at the Kunsthaus Zürich and Verlag Lars Müller, Baden 1996.

1994 Helldunkel. Ein Bilderbuch (Light and Shadow: A Book of Images), with Reto Hänny. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1994.

1993 Hans Danuser. Wildwechsel (Game Paths),, with Reto Hänny and Beat Stutzer, Kunstmuseum Graubünden and Verlag Lars Müller, Baden 1993.



Cooperation in and with the natural sciences and research

1993–2018 Matographie – The One-Million-Pound Project (Matography – The One-Million-Pound Project), work in progress. Project development with the research departments of Novartis Basel and Bayer Werke / Agfa Gevaert, Leverkusen, Essays by Jury Steiner »Die geritzte Venus schreiet laut« (»Scratched Venus Screams Out loud«), in: Hans Danuser - Delta, Exhibition catalogue, Kunsthaus Zurich, 1996, Ulrich Gerster in: AT, Exhibition catalogue, Nidwaldner Museum, Stans 1997, Jörg Scheller, "Against the Gnosis - A Context on the Role of Research in Hans Danuser's Work," in: Hans Danuser - Darkrooms of Photography, Exhibition catalogue, Bündner Kunstmuseum, Chur 2017, Gerd Folker's "Matographie  - The One-Million-Pound-Project", in: The Fujiyama by Davos, Exhibition catalogue, Ernst Ludwig Kircher Museum, Davos 2018

2007 – 2017 The Last Analog Photograph / Farbe und Fotografie, Projektentwicklung am Laboratorium für Anorganische Chemie, ETH Zürich, mit Prof. Reinhard Nesper, Max Broszio, Matthias Herrmann, Florian Wächter, Dipan Kundu, u.a., Teil der Werkgruppe Landschaft in Bewegung / Moving Desert, Teil III des Erosion-Projekts, work in progress.
Publikationen: »Chemische Färbung von s/w-Fotografien: Untersuchung kolorierter Fotopapiere« Forschungsprojekt im Studiengang Chemie (Master) der ETH Zürich durchgeführt am Laboratorium für Anorganische Chemie in der Gruppe von Prof. Reinhard Nesper von Max Broszio Philipps-Universität Marburg, Deutschland, in Zusammenarbeit mit Hans Danuser, Zürich 2008; Kelley Wilder, »Hinter den Spiegeln. Hans Danusers ‚Last analog Photograph‘«, in: Hans Danuser - Dunkelkammern der Fotografie, Ausst.-Kat. Bündner Kunstmuseum Chur,Göttingen 2017

2009 – 2014 Hans DanuserEin Colloquium der Dinge
(A colloquium of things). Art installation Ein Colloquium der Dinge in the foyer of the old Semper-Sternwarte of ETH Zurich and the Collegium Helveticum. The Laboratory for Transdisciplinarity of Universität Zürich / ETH Zurich) was established at the beginning of the fellows period 2009 – 2016 by Hans Danuser on the topic of reproducibility and commenced with his appointment as visiting professor at ETH Zurich: investigations from the perspective of art and applying its methodologies, a model and tool for identifying the potential of the topic for a proposed multidisciplinary dialogue. In collaboration with Prof. Dr. Gerd Folkers, director of Collegium Helveticum (2004 – 2016) and professor of pharmaceutical chemistry at ETH Zurich; Prof. Dr. Johannes Fehr, deputy director of Collegium Helveticum, responsible for the Culture and Humanities Department (2004 – 2014); Dr. Elvan Kut, member of the executive board of Collegium Helveticum and responsible for the Science Department (2012 – 2016); as well as the fellows of the period 2009 – 2016: Prof. Dr. K. W. Axhausen, professor of traffic planning and transport systems at ETH Zurich; Prof. Dr. jur. Andrea Büchler, chair of private law and comparative law at Universität Zürich; Prof. Dr. Alex N. Eberle, professor of pathological biology and vice rector of Universität Basel; Prof. Dr. Andreas Pospischil, director of the Veterinary Pathology Institute at Universität Zürich; Prof. W. Rössler, MD and MPsy, clinic director and director of the Medizinisches Direktorium of Zurich University Hospital of Psychiatry and Center of Social Psychiatry; Prof. Dr. August Schubiger, professor of radiopharmacy at ETH Zurich, head of the Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences at ETH Zurich, the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), and the Clinic and Polyclinic for Nuclear Medicine of Zurich University Hospital; and Prof. Dr. Angelika Steger, professor of computer science at ETH Zurich. Architecture: The former eidgenössische Sternwarte, now ETH Zurich, built in the years from 1862 to 1864 by Gottfried Semper (1862–1864), modified with new design elements by the interior designers Gasser/Derungs. Publication: EIN COLLOQUIUM DER DINGE (A colloquium of things) with essays by Gerd Folkers, Johannes Fehr, Uta Hassler, an introduction by Martin Schmid, and photographs of the space by Ralph Feiner, 2010, as well as a complementary video: topic films zuerich / Eigenverlag CH-ETHZ-UZH, 2010.

2008 Entscheidungsfindung (Decision-making) in conjunction with the Counting out Rhymes Project, work in progress, Institute of Mathematics of Zurich University with Prof. Andrew D. Barbour.

2005–2008 Modeling Erosion, Institute for Geotechnical Engineering, ETH Zurich, with Dr. Jan Laue and Prof. Sarah Springman in conjunction with the Erosion series, 2000 – 2008.

1992 Institutsbilder - Eine Schrift Bild Installation, in Zusammenarbeit mit den Instituten für Mathematik, Pharmakologie, Physik der Universität Zürich UZH und dem Institut für Pharmazie der ETH Zürich, unter Mitwirkung der Architekten Guido Doppler, Burkhart und Partner Architekten, Basel/Zürich: Martin Schmid, "Auf der Suche nach der gemeinsamen Sprache. Verkehrsbereiche der Transdisziplinarität", Bildinsert "Institutsbilder. Eine Schrift–Bild–Installation an der Universität Zürich–Irchel" von Hans Danuser, in: Martin Schmid und Elvan Kut(Hg), Heilen/Gesunden. Das andere Arzneibuch,. Zürich: Collegium Helveticum 2013.

1986 Los Alamos, Teil des In Vivo-Projekts, 1980–989. Artist in Residence in den Los Alamos Laboratories, New Mexico, USA.

1974–1976 Marmographien, Projektentwicklung am damaligen Institut für Photographische Chemie der ETH Zürich mit Prof. Dr. Franz Tomamichel und Prof. Dr. W. F. Berg, sowie der damaligen Ciba-Geigy AG Basel (Ilford).



Awards / Grants / Artist in Residence

1980/1983/1985 Swiss federal Art's stipend /Swiss Art Award

1979/1983/1985 Art's stipend of the canton of Zurich

1983/1984/1985 Art's stipend of the canton of Zurich


1984 Art stipend of the city of Zurich for a stay in the studio of the city of Zurich in New York

1991 Art stipend for stay in the studio of the Zug Cultural Foundation Landi&Gyr in London

1996 Artist in Residence at Los Alamos Laboratories / Santa Fee, New Mexico, USA

1987 Recognition Award Canton Grisons for fine arts

1992 Manor Prize

1993 Konrad-Ferdinant-Meyer Prize for fine arts

2002 The Culture Prize of Grison




Solo exhibitions (a collection)

2019 Hans Danuser – OUT OF PARADISE, Galerie Luciano Fasciati, 26.10.2019 – 23.11.2019

2018/19 Hans Danuser – DER FUJYAMA VON DAVOS, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner Museum, Davos, 25.11.2018 – 28.4.2019, curated by Ariane Grigotait and Thorsten Sadowsky

2017 Hans Danuser – DARKROOMS OF PHOTOGRAPHY, Bündner Kunstmuseum Chur, 3.6. – 20.8.2017, curated by Stephan Kunz und Lynn Kost.
Hans Danuser – BLUMEN FÜR ANDREA, Castasegna, Villa Garbald, 8.7.2017 – 30.6.2018, curated by Stephan Kunz.

2014 Hans Danuser, UCCELIN GION FOND DAL MER, Municipio Bregaglia, Promontogno Hans Danuser

2013 Hans Danuser, AKKA BAKKA, Gesundheitsdirektion am Walche, Zürich

2012 Hans Danuser, EIN COLLOQUIUM DER DINGE, Semper Sternwarte der ETH Zürich

2009 NACHDENKEN ÜBER FOTOGRAFIE UND ARCHITEKTUR - The Zumthor Project, Galerie Luciano Fasciati, Chur download

2008 THE COUNTING OUT RHYMES PROJECT, Galerie Luciano Fasciati, Chur download

2006 EROSION, Exhibition Space at Big Manesh, Moskau download

2005 PROJEKT GARBALD, Denklabor Villa Garbald, Castasegna

2003 MODELING EROSION, Galerie Luciano Fasciati, Chur FROZEN, Scalo Galerie, New York

2001 FROST, Fotomuseum Winterthur, Winterthur

1999 NAH UND FERN, Walter Merian Haus, Basel

1998 AT, Kunstmuseum Nidwalden

1996 HANS DANUSER – DELTA - FOTOGRAFIEN, Kunsthaus Zürich, Zürich

1994 WILDWECHSEL, Bündner Kunstmuseum, Chur

1991 IN VIVO, Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus, München

1990 HANS DANUSER – FOTOGRAFIEN, Curt Marcus Galerie, New York

1989 IN VIVO, Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau

1986 HANS DANUSER – DREI FOTOSERIEN, Gewerbemuseum Basel, Basel

1985 HANS DANUSER – DREI FOTOSERIEN, Kunstmuseum Graubünden, Chur


Group Exhibitions (a selection)

2024 A SHOW OF AFFECTION - COLLECTION CONSTELLATION 1, Fotomuseum Winterthur, 10.02. – 20.05.2024

2022 IN STÄNDIGER BEWEGUNG, Kunsthaus Klosters, 28.05. – 30.11.2022

2020/21 STILL_LEBEN, Galerie Luciano Fasciati, 05.12.2020 – 09.01.2021, curated by Luciano Fasciati

2019/20 AMICI SCONOSCIUTI, Fondazione Archivio Donetta, 08.12.19 – 19.04.20, curated by Stephan Kunz

2019 TRANSVERSAL. LANDSCHAFTEN AUS DER SAMMLUNG, Bündner Kunstmuseum Chur, 16.03. – 24.11.2019

2019 Hans Danuser – UNIFORM INTO THE WORK / OUT OF THE WORK,  Fondazione MAST Bologna, Kurator Urs Stahel

2019 VEH-LANDSCHAFTEN, Tamuseum St. Antönien, curated by Gabriela Lutz, 16.06.2019 – June 2021
SPIEGEL – DER MENSCH IM WIDERSCHEIN, Riedberg Museum, Zürich, 15.05. – 22.09. curated by Albert Lutz
TEXT-IL, Galerie Luciano Faasciati, 26.01. – 23.02.2019

2016 GÄRTEN DER WELT – ORTE DER SEHNSUCHT ZÜRICH, Museum Rietberg, 13.05.– 09.10.2016, curated by Albert Lutz.

2015 [7] ORTE, [7] PREKÄRE FELDER, Mannheim / Ludwigshafen / Heidelberg, Fotofestival, 18.09. – 15.11.2015, curated by Urs Stahel.

2014 Hans Danuser, UNI DUI TRE QUATTAR; in ARTE HOTEL BREGALIA, curated by Luciano Fasciati and Céline Gaillard

2013 ANSICHTSSACHE, 150 Jahre Architekturfotographie in Graubünden; Bündner Kunstmuseum vom 16.02. – 12.05.2013 curated by Stephan Kunz and Köbi Gantenbein
CONCRETE / FOTOGRAPHIE UND ARCHITEKTUR; Fotomuseum Winterthur vom 02.03.– 20.05. 2013, curated by Thomas Seelig and Urs Stahel
BILDBAU. SCHWEIZER ARCHITEKTUR IM FOKUS DER FOTOGRAFIE, Architekturmuseum Basel vom 02.03. – 20.05. 2013; curated by Hubertus Adam and Elena Kossovskaja
CROSSOVER = Fotografie der Wissenschaft + Wissenschaft der Fotografie; Fotomuseum Winterthur, curated by Thomas Seelig and Christin Müller

2012 LA JEUNESSE EST UN ART – JUBILÄUM MANOR KUNSTPREIS, Argauer Kunsthaus, Aarau, curated by Madeleine Schuppli and Franz Krähenbühl
SCHWEIZER FOTOBÜCHER – EINE ANDERE GESCHICHTE DER FOTOGRAFIE, Fotostiftung Schweiz, Winterthur, curated by Martin Gasser
KULT AUSSERSIHL ZÜRICH – DAS ANDERE GESICHT, Helmhaus Zürich, curated by Simon Maurer, Zürich

2010 DON`T LOOK NOW – Die Sammlung Gegenwartskunst, Kunstmuseum Bern, curated by Kathleen Bühler and Isabel Flury
YESTERDAY WILL BE BETTER, Aargauer Kunsthaus Aarau, curated by Madeleine Schuppli and Marianne Wagner
FOTOSZENE GRAUBÜNDEN, Bündner Kunstmuseum Chur, curated by Katharina Ammann
LUST UND LASTER – Die sieben Todsünden von Dürer bis Naumann, Zentrum Paul Klee u. Kunstmuseum Bern, curated by Juri Steiner, Fabienne Eggelhöfer, Mathias Frehner among others

2009 ALL THAT IS SOLID MELTS INTO AIR, Museum of Contemporary Art, Mechelen, curated by Roprecht Ghesquière, Edwin Carels, Bart De Baere, Liliane Wachter, Dieter Roelstraete and Grand Watson
VERMESSEN, Bündner Kunstmuseum, Chur, curated by Katharina Ammann

2008 SIX FEET UNDER, Kunstmuseum Bern u. Deutsches Hygiene Museum, curated by Bernhard Fibicher, Bern / Dresden
STIELLEBEN, Aargauer Kunsthaus Aarau, curated by Madleina Schuppli

2007 FLEISCHESLUST, Bündner Kunstmuseum, curated by Kathleen Bühler, Chur

2006 PHOTOSUISSE, Museo d’arte moderna Ascona u. Rom, curated by Walter Eggenberger

2005 DAS KÖRPERBILD, Musée de l`Elysée, curated by William A. Eving, Lausanne
ART Basel, Scalo, Basel

2004 IMAGINING THE FUTURE, ICP, curated by Carol Squiers, New York
ART Basel, Scalo, Basel

2003 Neuer Berliner Kunstverein, Berlin
ART Basel, Scalo, Basel
NOT NEUTRAL, New York University, New York, curated by Urs Stahel

2000 PARADISE NOW, Art Exit, curated by Marvin Heiferman / Carole Kismaric, New York
EISZEIT, Kunstmuseum Bern, curated by Ralf Beil, Bern

1998 IM KUNSTLICHT, Kunsthaus Zürich, Zürich
DIE SAMMLUNG, Fotomuseum Winterthur, curated by by Thomas Selig

1997 L`AUTRE, Biennale de Lyon, curated by Harald Szeemann, Lyon
DIE SCHWERKRAFT DER BERGE, Kunsthalle Krems, curated by Beat Wismer u. Wolfgang Denk

1996 PROSPEKT, Frankfurter Kunstverein / Kunsthalle Schirn, curated by Peter Weiermair, Frankfurt

1995 L`AME AUX CORPS, Biennale Venedig, curated by Jean Claire, Venedig
DIE SCHWERKRAFT DER BERGE, Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau, curated by Beat Wismer u. Wolfgang Denk
OHNE TITEL – EINE SAMMLUNG ZEITGENÖSSISCHER KUNST, Aargauer Kunsthaus, curated by Marianne Gerny, Jean Luc Manz, Urs Stahel, Theodora Fischer, Aarau

1991 THE INTERRUPTDED LIFE, The New Museum of Contempoarry Art, curated by Marica Tucker, France Morin u.Peter Greenaway, New York

1990  Wichtige Bilder, Museum für Kunst und Design, curated by Urs Stahel / Martin Heller, Zürich

1988  Konfrontationen, Bündner Kunstmuseum, curated by Beat Stutzer, Chur

1987  Offenes Ende – aktuelle Schweizer Kunst, Nürnberg

1983 AKTUELL '83, Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus, curated by Helmut Friedel, Erika Billeter, Armin Zweite, Vitorio Fagone and Dieter Ronte, Munich

1982 FOTOGRAFIEN III, Städtische Galerie zum Strauhof, curated by von Erika Bitterli, Zürich



Works in collections (selection)

Kunsthaus Zürich, Fotomuseum Winterthur, Walter A. Bechtler Sammlung, Zürich/Uster, Metropolitan Museum of Art New York, Museum of Modern Art New York, MoMA, Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau, Novartis Kunstsammlung, Basel, Sammlung Stiftung-Kunst-Heute, Kunstmuseum Bern, Sammlung Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft, Sammlung Stadt Zürich, Sammlung Kanton Zürich, Kunstmuseum Graubünden, Chur. Collection Republik New York Corporation, N.Y., Collection Howard Stein, New York, Sammlung Georg Reinhart, Winterthur, Harvard Art Museums, Harvard/Cambridge, MA